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Speakers corner 19 March 2021

The way forward: A stronger, distinctive, and more strategic positioning as reference advisor to the EU

Dear readers,

Since the last time we wrote to you, the strategic initiatives that we anticipated in the previous editorial have started to materialize.

As you all well know, the EERA mission statement, to catalyse European energy research for a climate-neutral society by 2050, reflects that ensuring the availability of cost-competitive low-carbon energy technologies is not enough alone to materialize the much longed-for transition. Even further, driving the Clean Energy Transition (CET) requires understanding the role that a range of inter-disciplinary factors, some of which can be more loosely connected to technology, play in a process that calls for a profound societal transformation.

This year is expected to be pivotal for the Clean Energy Transition globally. A decade of action, with just under ten years left to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030, the 2020s are expected to bring more policy coherence, higher sense of urgency, and stronger collaborative efforts to reach the CET goals, all the while supporting the global post-Covid recovery. In line with these hopes and plans and having in mind the upcoming 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow, some of the most influential international energy organizations have started new initiatives.

Closer to home, the strategic long-term vision set by the European Commission (EC) for a prosperous, modern, competitive, and climate neutral society calls for a drastic reduction of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) currently set at 55% by 2030. Such an increased target reflects the European Union ambition to reach carbon neutrality through broader policy and programme tools that emphasize a systemic change and look for streamlined efforts across the economic bloc and for increased synergies across all areas of science and technology, including social sciences and the humanities.

In light of the above, we are convinced that EERA has a great opportunity and is ideally positioned to increase its strategic impact in driving the EU Clean Energy Transition. Recognizing the rapidly evolving context, EERA Executive Committee (ExCo) has decided to establish the Strategy function as a permanent assignment within EERA. Its objective will be to monitor the evolution of the CET policies in Europe and globally, and to dynamically steer the Alliance to maximize its impact and accelerate its progress towards living its mission and achieving its vision.

The Strategy function will be embodied by the Strategy Working Group (STRAT), steered by the Executive Committee that will dynamically launch temporary dedicated thematic Task Forces. Task Forces will be constituted on an ad hoc basis and will be tasked with analysing and prescribing actions to EERA on the identified Strategic Priorities.

An interactive effort guided by the ExCo converged in the definition of EERA Strategic Priorities for the upcoming 3 years. They broadly relate to:

  1. Capitalising on the existing Joint Programmes’ expertise, building a distinctive holistic, system, and inter-disciplinary perspective on the CET, further positioning EERA as a trusted and authoritative advisor to the EU on driving the transition.
  2. Leveraging Joint Programme’s research excellence towards increased impact and, in line with EU strategic industrial initiatives, reflecting on the co-creation of European Centres of Excellence dedicated to key technologies and transition challenges.
  3. Reflecting on opportunities to better integrate EERA action within its stakeholder environment, notably, Members States and Associated Countries, and industry.

As you read this editorial, two out of the three Task Forces involving members from EERA ExCo, coordinators and experts from 16 Joint Programmes, and the CET expert group are already being launched under the full operational support of the EERA secretariat. The third Task Force will be launched shortly.

This marks the beginning of an accelerated development of EERA capabilities for a stronger, distinctive, and more strategic positioning as reference advisor to the EU in driving the transition towards a climate neutral, sustainable, fair, and desirable society. 

We look forward to updating you regularly on the outcomes of this essential initiative.

Kind regards,

Adel El Gammal
EERA Secretary General