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Eera event 30 November - 07 December 2020 - Online

EERAdata Workshop No. 2: FAIR and Open Metadata for Low Carbon Energy Research (Paper writing workshop)

EERAdata 1st workshop summarized by artist Barbara Bellier

FAIR and Open Metadata for Low Carbon Energy Research is a week-long workshop series taking place between the 30 November and the 7 December. It includes Framing Sessions to collaborate on the community paper and 4 Topical Sessions (throughout the week). 

IMPORTANT NOTE: You can select the sessions in which you want to participate. It is not obligatory to participate in all of them. The registrations are therefore independent for each session and you should subscribe to those in which you would like to participate. For joining as co-author in the community paper you do not need to participate in the workshops. For further details about this, see further down: Join us and collaborate interactively!


Framing Sessions

Framing Session Day 1 and Day 2 (Paper Writing Session): 

  • Day 1: 30 November 10:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. CET
  • Day 2: 7 December 10:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. CET

The objectives of the Framing Session are to:

  • Discuss and develop metadata standards for FAIR and open data in the low carbon energy research community (at top-, medium-, and low-level).
  • Identify gaps and needs that hinder their standardized realization and implementation.
  • Jointly work on the "Advancing Metadata for Low Carbon Energy Research" paper. 

Register to Framing Workshops (Day 1 and Day 2) by clicking here

Topical Sessions

During the week, some of the EERAdata use cases leaders will organize in-between topical sessions whose input will enrich the framing workshop's discussions. 

Topical Sessions are

  • 1 December 10:00a.m. - 2:00p.m. CET: Use Case Session “EU policy and energy research taxonomies” - a practical session to explore how to link existing ontology islands with the help of a software. 

Register to Use Case Session "EU policy and energy research taxonomies" by clicking here 

  • 2 December 10:00a.m. - 12:00p.m. CET: Use Case Session "Buildings efficiency" - a session with invited lectures and panel discussions. 

Register to Use Case Session "Buildings Efficiency" by clicking here

  • 3 December 10:00a.m. - 12:00p.m. CET: "Metadata user stories" Session- matching metadata with workflows of searching for data. 

Register to "Metadata user stories" Session by clicking hereSession by clicking here

  • 4 December 10:00a.m. - 3:00p.m. CET: "Online art project - FAIR data & SDGs". The goal is to jointly produce a piece of art where energy researchers and stakeholders communicate their perspectives on the need for high quality and FAIR data for Sustainable Development. 

Register to "Online art project" session by clicking here

To see the details of the whole workshop agenda, please scroll down

Recommendations for the Framing Sessions

Given that one of the objectives of the Framing Sessions aims at jointly working on a paper, the consortium suggests to the interested participants the following material to read and watch ahead the first day.

Obligatory to read and watch ahead:

  • Participation or watching of preparatory workshop video: This workshop has taken place in the beginning of November. It introduced EERAdata’s recent work on metadata, and it outlined the tasks and procedures for the paper writing workshop(s). To access the preparatory workshop materias, click here

Suggested read on the history of metadata:

Metadata - Shaping Knowledge from Antiquity to the Semantic Web by Richard Gartner,

The first day of the Framing Sessions (30 November) builds on read and watch ahead. Starts with a discussion of the proposed structure of the community paper. Continues with writing teams organized in break out groups. Ends with a report from writing teams.

The second day of the Framing Sessions (7 December), starts with inputs from selected use cases and continues with writing teams organized in breakout groups. Ends with a presentation and discussion of work/open issues.                     

Output expected: Reviewed and extended draft of the community paper, which will be finalized by the group and ready for submission before end of December 2020. 

Join us and collaborate interactively!

Additional details about the Community Paper "Advancing Metadata for Low Carbon Energy Research" and on the modalities to join the writing team are available on the EERAdata Wiki at this link


Practical information


30 Nov 2020 - 07 Dec 2020


10:00 AM - 4:00 PM


Valeria Jana Schwanitz

10:00 - 10:15

Welcome and introduction to the first draft of the planned paper: “Advancing metadata for low carbon energy research - current state and call for action”

Speakers: Valeria Jana Schwanitz & August Wierling, HVL. 

10:15 - 10:30
Discussion of the structure, collection of comments and notes

10:30 - 10:45
Creation of writing teams in break out groups. Preferences are collected beforehand if possible

10:45 - 15:00
Work in break out groups

The work-flow, coffee and lunch breaks etc. are organized by the groups themselves.

15:00 - 16:00
Wrap up day 1 of the framing workshop

  • Reports from the work done in break out groups
  • Collection of feedback and comments from all. 
  • Suggestions of questions to be investigated in use case workshops.

10:00 - 14:00
Use Case “EU policy and energy research taxonomies”

The workshop focuses on metadata, exploring how to link ontologies used for policy-making and those used in research domains. Using the EU policy taxonomyolicy taxonomy, Art.2 EU Directive 944 (2019), and the inventory of collective action initiatives of the COMETS project as a starting point, common metadata elements and connections between them are identified. The workshop will use a specific software to design the ontology, incorporating suggestions from workshop participants.  The participants will form one of the writing teams for the community paper.

10:00 - 12:00

The aim of this session is to build up on discussions that took place in 1st EERADATA workshop together with the participation of the invited experts, utilizing the experience related to the FAIR assessment in order to: a) Highlight main issues with FAIRness, b) Jointly come up with possible remedies and solutions, and d) Identify pointers to metadata standardization, if and how it can be achieved in Buildings Efficiency domain. 

10:00 - 10:10
What does the “Buildings Efficiency” use case of EERADATA aim?

Speaker: Mehmet Efe Biresselioğlu, IUE

10:10 - 10:25
Standardized Flexibility: FAIR data principles in H2020 projects ECHOES and ENCHANT databases

Speaker: Jens Olgard Dalseth Røyrvik, NTNU Samfunnsforskning

10:25 - 10:40
Achieving Fair Principles: An Overview of the Hotmaps Project and Hotmaps Building Stock EU28 Dataset

Speaker: Simon Pezzutto, EURAC

10:40 - 10:55
openENTRANCE CS1 residential energy demand response: The importance of nomenclature and data transparency for open source energy system model platform

Speaker: Ryan O’Reilly, Energieinstitut an der JKU

10:55 - 11:10
Topic to be confirmed

Speaker: Daniele Antonucci, EURAC

11:10 - 11:20
Energy related Building data: Opportunities from FAIRness

Speaker: Ezilda Costanzo, ENEA

11:25 - 12:00
Panel discussion and Q&A

To be confirmed
Metadata user stories

The goal is to understand how users find, use, and request data. The workshop connects to functional specifications needed for the EERAdata platform and other infrastructure in support of work flows. Participants will have the possibility to comment mock-ups and try out some functionalities. For example, browsing the ontologies produced during Use Case “EU policy and energy research taxonomies” and the community forum.

10:00 - 10:45

Welcome and input from use case workshops presented by use case leaders. 

10:45 - 11:00
Guidance for writing teams

11:00 - 11:15
Creation of writing teams in break out groups (continuation of day 1)

11:15 - 15:00
Work in break out groups

The work-flow, coffee and lunch breaks etc. are organized by the groups themselves. 

15:00 - 16:00
Wrap up day 2 of the framing workshop

  • Reports from the work done in break out groups
  • Collection of feedback and comments from all.
  • Guidance on how to finalize the paper collaboratively after the workshop.